Executive Summary: Caribbean Human Development Report

Executive Summary: Caribbean Human Development Report

August 29, 2016

Latin America and the Caribbean is a diverse region and does not follow a single pattern of development. Th is Report is separated into two volumes which share the same narrative: the Regional Human Development Report – the first volume – covers the entire region, while deepening the analysis on Latin America; and this current Caribbean Human Development Report – the second volume – approaches the multidimensional challenges of sustainable development and human progress taking into consideration the particularities of the Caribbean.

The high and increasing exposure of Caribbean countries to hazards, combined with very open and trade dependent economies – suff ering from limited diversifi cation and competitiveness – portrays a structurally and environmentally vulnerable region. This Report is an invitation to go beyond the traditional notion of vulnerability, focused on states, and to carefully analyze the multiple dimensions of vulnerabilities and resilience of peoples, households and individuals.